La Romi Blog

Embroider or Not To Embroider?
I have been sewing since I was little, and I never thought more of it, other than making my own toys, fixing all my mate's hems and - yes I will admit, sewing my own costumes - AWESOME ONES! for m...
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@Shop.LaRomi Instagram Shop Is LIVE
Yes, I am excited to announce you can now browse and shop through our Instagram now that we have the ability to tag products. This is the same with our Facebook Shop as well. We are hoping these ...
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How at LaRomi we try to save the planet
At #LaRomi we understand our responsibility to do our bit for this beautiful 🌍. Fabric and textiles in general is a huge contributor to CO2 emmisions if done in a way to keep down prices along with...
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Advantages Of Different Baby Bibs
Having a new baby is full of new things and experiences that we as adults haven't had to think about for nearly 25 years or more! Least of all is the products your little one is going to interact ...
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Welcome to our new internet home!
Thanks to our loyal customers we have gone from strength to strength and have now been able to properly invest in some decent internet real estate for our brand new Store! Since starting selling t...
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