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Why Should I Introduce My Child to Swaddling?

Why Should I Introduce My Child to Swaddling?

Why Should I Introduce My Child to Swaddling?
Baby Sleep

Why Should I Introduce My Child to Swaddling?

There are many benefits of swaddling your child. For example, it can help your baby sleep better at night, reduce the risk for SIDS, and improve digestion. Swaddling also helps soothe babies who ar...

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Why Is My Baby Crying?
Baby Sleep

Why Is My Baby Crying?

Crying is a way of releasing emotions that are bottled up inside of us. It can be caused by sadness, anger, frustration or any other emotion that is too much to handle. Crying is a natural respons...

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The Quick 5-step Guide to weaning a baby from night feeding
Baby Sleep

The Quick 5-step Guide to weaning a baby from night feeding

The primary reason that babies need a night feed is because they are unable to store milk in their stomachs like adults can. They also need the extra calories and fluids that come from breast milk ...

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What is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)?
Baby Sleep

What is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)?

The exact cause of SIDS is unknown, but the risk increases when an infant shares a bed with parents or other caregivers, smokes during pregnancy, has parents who smoke around them, or has a low bir...

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How To Get Started Co-Sleeping With Your Baby | La Romi | Baby Fashion
Baby Sleep

How To Get Started Co-Sleeping With Your Baby

 Co-sleeping Safely Here is a great video from the Lullaby Trust on how to co-sleep safely.  Advice to share with families who wish to share a bed with their baby featuring do’s and don’ts to en...

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